
If you have Java on your computer, you can enjoy the fully-fledged game in these three easy steps:

1) Download the "Torus" file
2) Unzip
3) In the directory "Torus Boards" double-click on the game's executable

Java is often instaled by default; if not, you can easily get it from the Oracle Inc. website.
Click on the image for the explanation of the controls.
± Android ±


If you have Java on your computer, you can enjoy the app immediately (sorry, temporarily without game


If you're comfortable with using the terminal, you can enjoy the game's full functionality by starting it from the shell (rather than by clicking on the icon):

1) After unzipping, open the terminal and enter the newly created directory "Torus Boards". For example,

> cd ~/Downloads/Torus\ Boards

2) Next, navigate to the launching script:

> cd Torus\

3) Finally, launch the game:

> ./TorusBoards

1) Download the "Torus" file
2) Unzip
3) In the directory "Torus Boards" double-click on the game's executable

Java is often instaled by default; if not, you can easily get it from the Oracle Inc. website.
Click on the image for the explanation of the controls.
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